it or Not
Observations Only
No Promises
These are true stories of
people who have used AFA and experienced benefit in their health. There
are also stories about animals and some segments that are informational.
These stories are compliant with the
FDA Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) which states
that only a drug can claim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
1 Gram AFA =
4 Tablets or Capsules or 1 Teaspoon Powder |
San Francisco - Vet gives cat with bone cancer in its jaw 3 months to
live. 1 gram daily and cat lives another
4 years.
Kitten to be put to sleep because
eye is rotated in socket (cannot see pupil), within 3 weeks of taking 1 gram
daily the pupil becomes visible, in 5 weeks the eye is normal.
Fifteen year old cat dying of cat
leukemia; listless, eyes look dead, white gums, no tail wagging, no
bathing. Took 1&1/2 grams daily and
3 weeks later the cat looks alive. Pink
gums, eyes look alive, cat waves tail, baths, and lives 4 more years.
Family pet canary loses voice. Vet says
$300 and does not promise bird will come out of anesthesia. Put 1/4 gram AFA in drinking water and 1 week
later voice starts coming back. Within 3
weeks sings like a canary.
Nine AM (on video) twelve year old mare has heavy limp (ringbone) and is given
2&1/2 grams of AFA. At 9:23 AM horse
is hardly limping on video. Within one
hour owner says mare running all over field with no limp. Owner had not seen that in at least 2 years. Within 1 week of 2&1/2 grams daily no more limp.
San Francisco - Spirit: 16 year old half wolf half Sheppard suffering from hip
dysplasia has to be picked up and put in car daily for master to go to
work. 1&1/2 grams daily and on the
third day is jumping in car, fourth day seen dog running, not done that in 4
Twelve year old Egor, a toy Pekinese, was all bent over with ritis - within minutes of taking 1/2 gram
AFA, is running around with no limp rolling over like a puppy. Amazing.
Vet gives scientist 3 months for her dog to live. Big black tumor on lip keeps growing. 1&1/2 to 2 grams AFA daily and 3 months
later not even black spot on lip.
Shamu, neat little albino cat that had several surgeries to remove ears,
eyebrows, etc. for skin cancers, and was developing skin cancer on top of nose,
owner does not want to put cat through procedure again. 1&1/2 Grams daily and 2&1/2 weeks later body sloughs off nose
discoloration. Impressive.
Eight year old Boston Terrier injures eye - full of blood, cannot see pupil or
any white, just all blood in left eye.
Vet prepares owner "dog may be blind in that eye or eye may stay
that way rest of her life." Instead
of eating 1 gram daily, owner gives dog 2 grams daily. On the fourth day the blood is all gone
except way in back of eye. Totally
normal in one month.
Farah Faucet (small buff colored
dog) gets run over by van. It breaks her
tail about 1/2 inch from little butt as shown on x-ray. Vet says tail is dead and should be cut
off. Nope, 1 week later tip of tail
moving. 3 months later with 1/2 gram
daily the tail totally wages. Someone
was wrong.
Oatmeal, a female cat 14 years old has garage door come down on her neck and is
pinned under there for 5 or more minutes before owner found cat and thought it
was dead. No heart beat noticeable. Covered cat up and planned to bury cat later.
When owner comes home 3 hours later cat is gone. Cat comes in a couple of hours later with
hoarse meow, heart racing, eyes not able to blink. (no activity for next 3
days) Given 1 gram AFA in a syringe, 15 minutes later cat breathing normally
and pulse calmed down. On third day eyes
start blinking normally. Cat lives
another 5 years with 1 gram AFA daily.
Ten bee hives sick with foul
brood. Placing hives in isolated aviary
where only water they could drink had AFA dissolved in it. One month later hives are totally healthy.
Gentleman 60+ years old was spending $400-$500 monthly to keep himself and his10
year old dog healthy. Finds AFA more
dramatic and less than 1/3 the cost.
Difference between isolated vitamins and trace elements shows that AFA
as a food more powerful.
Walking on 4 inches of foam as described by machinist, no feeling in hands, one
day grinds metal, blood everywhere. Did
not even feel it. One hour after 1 gram
of AFA feels ground and can feel fingers.
Ninety one year old man’s legs so swollen cannot bend knees, urine smells
rotten and looks thick like molasses. In
two weeks swelling down, can bend knees, blood clots come out in urine, then
urine has no odor and is as clear as water.
2-3 grams daily.
Bent over from pain, looks like an old 56, which is fine if you are a 56 Chevy,
but not a person. Three days of taking
2&1/2 grams of AFA daily, man is standing straight and looks like mid 40's.
</ 77 year old looks and sounds like an old man
all bent over, sounds gruff. One gram
AFA one hour later able to stand straight and sounds normal.
92 year old lady all bent over is helped into a facility. Hands are all bent and gnarled up. Can't pick up anything. One gram AFA and one hour later moves hands
like hula dancer.
73 year old gets eye exam. Optometrist
tells person after examination, having dilated eyes; no evidence developing cataracts, no
developing glaucoma, no pressure on the eyes, capillaries in perfect condition,
no cholesterol problem. Dr. asked what
are you doing? Not bad for 73
years. Not bad for any age. 1&1/2 grams of AFA three times daily for
at least 15 years.
Skin looks so bad gentleman wears
long sleeves, not able to go swimming for over 16 years. Six months later, 2-3 grams daily of AFA,
skin beautiful and back in the pool.
Legs feel like 50 lbs legs from knee to feet - 2 weeks of 2&1/2 grams daily
AFA and legs feel normal.
Numb forefinger for 2 years since surgery.
One gram AFA and one hour later able to feel finger.
Number 13. 12 people ahead of
gentleman for liver transplant. Three
months on 2 grams daily of AFA and UCLA drops him to number 58 on the list. Is
that improvement?
Over 22 years ago had issues with: digestion, breathing, joints, skin,
depression, prostrate, and adult ADD.
Now 22 years later, none of the above.
No over the counter or prescription RX for 22 years. No sickness, 75 years here on planet still
going strong.
Cocky, macho, can you do anything with that as he points to a bone spur on side
of his knee, sticking out about 3/4
inch. Nope -- but body can, 1&1/2
grams 3 times daily and 2 Apple Cider Vinegar cocktails daily - 2 weeks later
just slight bump.
48 year old woman has bone spurs on her for 5-6 years, very painful for 22
years, now no problem.
38 year old chiropractor shows 58
year old client x-rays of both their knees, client has eaten 3 grams AFA daily
for 5 years. Clients knee x-ray looks
like bones of person 20 years younger, 38, chiropractor x-ray looks like old
man (osteoarthritis)
Going to lose her arm, girl has
compound fracture in upper arm. After 1
year still in cast with no use of hand.
Doctor tells her if no improvement within another month he feels
amputation is necessary. (Instead 2
grams of AFA daily) within same month, 80% use of hand is back. No
amputation. Also allergies and back
discomfort gone.
Another compound fracture, roller blade breaks arm where there is not
protection from wrist to elbow. Within
3-5 weeks 80-90% improvement with hand functioning. (written up in hand therapy book) 2-2 1/2 grams daily.
45 year old woman 50-60% blocked carotid arteries in neck. 15 years later after
eating 2 grams daily for 2 years tests are done, arteries totally clean.
92 year old gentleman (macho) set
alarm every 2 hours at night due to procedure on prostrate causing him not to
know when he has to urinate. Within
short period of time 1-2 month, 2 grams daily, his body lets him know
3 score guitar player totally
compromised mentally and physically.
Mentally - trauma caused by husband leaving 8 years earlier. Had her homeless and not caring whether she
lived or died. She had money at one time
because even thought she was homeless, she owned a 2006 hummer and 2006 dually
ford truck. Physically - she could not
close her hands, pain in legs and had breathing issues, wrinkles, and calluses
on her hand from playing guitar. 1 to 1&1/2
grams 3 times daily has her wanting her own home, now working and can play
guitar 5-6 hours daily. Hands have
improved. No calluses. She is
Laughing Hawaiian gentleman approx 50 years old comes to mainland and develops
allergies. Has to sleep with towels on
his pillow. Allergies so bad soaks towel
nightly - is laughing so hard as he goes by a field of goldenrod with the
window down. (No allergies) This took place after 1 week of 1 gram of AFA
3 times daily.
85 year old young lady left hand
and foot tremor and shake. Tremor bad
enough can no longer do crafting. She is
all bent over with pain. Within 1 hour
of taking 1 gram of AFA she can stand straight with no tremor or shaking. So
noticed the Granddaughter. Now this is a
lifetime commitment of 1 gram 3 times daily.
57 year old gentleman really
concerned is told by his doctor (31 year old lady doctor) his blood sugar is
481. 1&1/2 weeks later 1&1/2
grams AFA 3 times daily and sugar drops to 249.
Doctor tells him take no medicine for next month, monitoring him
bi-weekly says continued benefit, interests her and she want to know more.
Very nice couple, wife had stroke
14 years earlier due to reaction from cold medicine. Left side arm, leg and foot paralyzed. Doctors tell her this is for life. Hmm, 3/4 grams of AFA 3 times daily. After 1 week the left leg and foot start
recovering. Another week and the left
arm and hand start functioning. She is
now trying to get atrophied limbs to catch up to the other side by doing extra
exercises on that side.
62 year old gentleman was given a
medicine for elevated pulse due to being on a treadmill. Takes 1 pill at 11 o’clock that night and the
next morning he cannot breathe and is rushed to the hospital with evidence of a
stroke. Right side of his face is
drooping and words are slurred. One week
on 1 gram of AFA 3 times daily and face returns to normal.
Young woman 45-50 years old has varicose veins in leg about 5-6 inches in
distance. Notices change in the way the
leg feels within 1 hour of taking 1 gram of AFA. Takes a picture right then. She starts taking 1 gram of AFA 3 times daily
and within 2 weeks there is dramatic improvement and she takes another
picture. Also impressed with skin on
arms looking like it had lotion on.
Takes picture of her toes. She
was developing hammer toes but after 2-3 weeks noticed toes straightening out.
Individual has blood blockage in left side of brain for several years, causing
mental decline. Neurologist,
psychiatrist, psychologist and medical doctors order permanent disability. Patient also pulls hair out and has bad
varicose veins in legs.. Takes 1 to 1&1/2 grams of AFA 3 times a day and
sees dramatic improvement in all areas and is actually taken off permanent
Cashier has to move from Bakersfield due to valley fever. Has breathing issues. Age 40-45 but left arm looks like it was 100
year old. Looked like deep grooves or
wrinkles from elbow down to finger tips.
Nails looked like they had wire brush grooves in them. Was asked if picture could be taken, 1 week
later compromise was totally gone except for finger nails. Also, breathing fine. Took 1 gram of AFA 3 times daily.
8 year old girl diagnosed with severe autism.
She would be placed in the center of a class room and would lay there
like a vegetable, no interaction with other children. Within 2 week of taking 1&1/2 grams of
AFA daily she was sitting up and making utterances. Within a couple of months she was starting to
walk. Still compromised but dramatic
65 year old woman had night
sweats for 18 years and was a heavy drinker.
Within 2 weeks of taking 1 gram of AFA 3 times daily she no longer had
problems in these areas.
Your eyes are gray, your skin is
gray and we are very concerned about you, so stated friends of a 55 year old
gentleman. 2 weeks later after taking
3/4 grams 4 times daily his skin looks good, and he lost 8 pounds. The same friends said you look so good, what
are you doing? We want some.
Selling wheels in his yard, owner shares that he is on workers comp due to
compromised back and leg from job injury.
Only takes heavy dose pain killer when pain is so intense. Within 1 hour after trying AFA the discomfort
is gone and he sleeps wonderfully that night.
Now he takes 1 gram of AFA 3 times daily. He wants to tell the world.
76 year old breaks his own 5K record running after 1 year. Currently running in 10K race. He takes 1 gram of AFA 3 times daily.
Holy Moly - That was the comment
of a man in his mid 60s who had been marketing AFA from a different company for
15-20 years. The live source of AFA at
97% assimilation beat the pants off the company he had worked for that
compromised the chlorophyll.
Candy man - man in mid 60s teaches Frisbee golf on 27 hole course was only able
to go 9 holes because he limped so bad.
2 weeks of 1 gram AFA 3 times daily and he is able to go 27 holes and
impressed with skin on his arms that went from looking like dry leather to a
soft look like it had lotion on.
AFA does not cure or alleviate,
it just can and may make one have organs function better, giving one a higher
level of health.
If a person researches the over
65 vitamins, minerals and trace elements in this plant, Aphanizomenon Flos
Agua, that are contained synergistically in AFA, one may see how it is possible
to see so many changes in human and animals that eat it.
We, at this point in time, especially in industrialized
nations are being bombarded with poisons and chemicals in our air, water, and
food. Couple this with over-farming of our soil, which is depleting it of
Facts are showing that many humans, animals and plants are
experiencing a dramatic compromise of their immune systems. Something as simple
as formaldehyde, found in many carpets and in some clothing made of synthetic
fibers, can stress the system and has been found to contribute even to ADD and
ADHD along with other disorders. Minerals in the right amounts may help us
compensate for such assaults. Our survival and physical longevity in the coming
years is going to depend greatly on how strong our immune systems are.
By our not being fanatical, but enlightened, we may help our
immune systems. Find and eat a food that grows in one of the most mineral and
nutrient-rich ecosystems on the planet. A person should be sure to access a
source of this nutrient rich food that has been harvested and processed in such
a way that the enzymes are enabling one to benefit at the highest level the
vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Come to the realization that the more
wild a food is, the more adverse the environment in which it must survive, the
more powerful may benefits be on the creatures that eat it, animal or human.
Alternatives to Health
Many people believe doctors or medication to be the primary
source of healing. Actually healing is derived not from external factors, but
rather from each individual's own innate natural healing power. Through surgery
and medication doctors simply encourage the natural healing of disease.
"Disease" may be defined here as that condition in
which the strength of the illness rises above the natural healing strength.
"Convalescence" alternately then, means the condition in which the natural
healing power surpasses the strength of the disease. There are two methods by
which this process convalescence may be encouraged.
1. The principle methodology of Western medicine is to allow
the level of natural healing to remain stable while attention goes to reduction
of the level of disease strength to below the level of healing strength. For
example, when people with a liver disorder take a medication it brings the
strength of the liver disorder below the level of natural healing power.
Therefore, it is said that the disease of the liver is cured. However, the
medicine is strictly for liver disorder and has no effects on other disorders.
In cases of general internal disease the medication may be effective for the
liver but is ineffective for the stomach or kidneys. Consequently, the liver is
strengthened but the stomach and kidneys break down, and the strength of the
disease in that area continues to surpass the natural healing power; this is
called "side effect."
2. It is felt by many that a blending of these two methods
could be of benefit to most person's health issues. Consult your health
practitioner before changing programs.
Aphanizomenon Flos Aqua does not
cure, but nutritional research found in the publication The Optimal Health
Report research being done by various centers including:
Boston University
McGill University
University of New Mexico
The Royal Victoria Memorial Hospital in Montreal
The Research Institute of Oncology in Belarus, Russia
Along with 35 additional Scientific and Medical References
The research states Aphanizomenon
flos-aquae can be beneficial with: