A Tale of Two Women
Dear Reader,
I’d like to tell you the story of two women I know. They are both 78.
The first one is tormented with arthritis pain, day and night. She’s had
surgery half a dozen times in the Last 15 years, and she’s still in constant
pain. Now the doctors say they won’t operate anymore.
She is on three medications for high blood pressure. She has several more
prescriptions for the arthritis pain and she has stomach pain from all the
arthritis painkillers.
She is losing her vision, and also her memory. She’s crabby and loses her
temper over every little thing. Nobody says it out loud, but she and the people
who love her know she only has a few years left.
The other woman is also 78. She just got married again and took a honeymoon
on a lovely tropical island. She is not taking any medication. Her heart is
fine. She drives her own car, does her own shopping, and keeps a beautiful
garden. She even plays a little golf.
At family gatherings, she’s the joy of her children, grandchildren, and
(soon) great grandchildren. Everyone loves to be around her.
What’s the difference between these two women? Why is one vibrant, healthy
and happy while the other is sick and miserable?
Some people will tell you it’s all in the genes, or maybe one woman had a
better doctor, or maybe it’s just luck. They will tell you that getting heart
disease or arthritis is like being struck by lightening. Some people get hit,
some don’t. There is no use thinking about it.
I don’t believe that. I know it’s not true because every day I work with
people who are living a healthy lifestyle.
There’s a lot you can do to make sure you end up like the second woman and
not like the first one. You can start today. And the most powerful tools are
actually the easiest ones to use.
What is more, it doesn’t matter what age you are. You can start making the
right choices now.
I’m not saying genes or luck have nothing to do with health. But there is a
lot more you can do for yourself than you probably think. The first thing you
need to do is take advantage of the nutrition revolution.
(This is especially true if a person accesses their micro-nutrients and
enzymes from a food source like blue-green
algae, one of the most nutrient rich foods on
earth.) Bold italics ours.
Pamper yourself. That’s right: Pamper yourself.
Many people watch themselves fall apart in slow motion. Many young people in
there twenties already suffer from headaches and tummy trouble, especially if
they have a job and family pressure. (And who doesn’t.)
In their thirties and forties they begin to experience back or joint pain.
They get a spare tire around the middle. Their skin becomes dry and wrinkled.
They feel tired all the time.
One fine day, their doctor tells them they have high blood pressure or high
cholesterol. Chances are he puts them on medication. Chances are the medication
causes fatigue, depression, impotence or other problems.
One fine day, you wake up and you’re old.
It doesn’t have to happen. In fact, it should not happen.
This isn’t natural. It’s not an aging process caused by an aging gene. It
is slow self-destruction by bad food, stress, and lack of exercise.
It can’t be fixed by antacids for the stomach, pain-killers for back pain
or headaches, water pills for the blood pressure, moisturizers for the dry skin,
and crash diets for the weight problems.
All those things only treat symptoms. They don’t get at the root of the
problem. Modern medicine is big on treating symptoms, especially when it comes
to the lifestyle diseases - the diseases that account for 80% of visits to your
Painkillers, for example, are handed out like M&Ms for headache, backache
and arthritis. They don’t do a thing for the underlying condition. All a
painkiller does is cut the communication between your brain and the part that
hurts. The pain is still there, but your conscious mind is not picking up the
phone and listening. Meanwhile, the condition gets worse.
The way to cure diseases... of the arteries, cancer, diabetes, arthritis,
fatigue and high blood pressure is this: Figure out the root cause of the
problem - diet, lack of exercise, stress - and change it. But please remember -
don’t change your whole life at once. Do one thing at a time.
Dr. Robert D. Willix, JR., M.D.
Heart Surgeon
Dantzing With Wolves
Dear Reader,
My name is David Dantzer and I will tell you a little about myself before I
share with you some major health improvements I have observed.
I am a Tennis Teaching Pro and a college coach. I have been voted Pro of the
Year, Coach of the Year by fellow U.S.P.T.A. professionals in southern
I am currently President of Standing Tall Tennis, which is a non-profit
organization which teaches tennis to Native Americans.
Twenty years ago I took a strong anti-biotic for a period of two years in
order to clean-up a skin disorder. My sister informed me that, to take an
anti-biotic for such an extended period of time, was not healthy.
I stopped the anti-biotic Cold Turkey and my body erupted in rashes,
swellings and open sores. Medical doctors had no answers. Through my own
research I found out that the anti-biotic had robbed my body of all bacteria,
both good and bad.
Since then, I have taken cultures, Vitamin B-12, yogurts and acidophilus.
Every remedy seemed to increase the symptoms. I placed myself on a very
restricted diet and digestive enzymes eighteen years ago and have been existing
in this manner since then.
Within minutes of taking acidophilus with blue-green
algae, my body told me Yes, this is
what I have been looking for.
Dantzing with Wolves
David Dantzer
Dear Friend,
We are affiliated with a group called the Pay it Forw’rd Team. We have been
able directly or indirectly to help over 400 families in one way or another
maintain their health.
Even though this program does not cure, research has found it can help
support the immune system.*
One of the things we have found is, for some reason the program has been able
to help maintain the fluids in the body for several persons.*
We only ask a person to be open minded, coachable, and if it works to share
the concept with someone else (Pay it Forward, so to speak.)
We would be pleased to help you in any way that feels comfortable to you.
Please call if you are interested.
Thank You
P.S. One of the parties (Richard Frantz) that was instrumental in our gaining
knowledge of this program worked with Chinese herbs etc. On realizing the
superior power of this program he switched all of his clients to this. It is
much more affordable and dramatic in results. And it is also non-toxic.
I"m Back
Being introduced to blue-green
algae has been one of the most remarkable finds in my life. I began eating the blue-green
algae in
1995. I began noticing changes
in the way I was thinking. Positive, ambitious thoughts began flooding my mind
for the first time in a long time.
These thoughts were special, I could tell. I wasn’t used to feeling that
good. I will remember that day always. Many days after that seemed to follow
with me feeling a sense of wellbeing. On days when things were stressful for me
and I couldn’t focus, I knew what to do, increase my
blue-green algae. It would take
anywhere from five to twenty minutes for my body to digest this green food and I
felt unbelievably calm.
I learned that the blue-green
algae has all the B vitamins the body needs to stay calm and
focused, and since fresh water sea weed and all algae are responsible for most
of the oxygen in the air we breath, I too love the pure oxygen being carried
throughout my bodies cells. No wonder I was feeling energetic yet calm and
capable. The way I am supposed to feel.
Sadly I lapsed away from the food for five years, but I never forgot how much better I felt when I ate
blue-green algae. Recently I came back to life, I’m back. I began eating blue-green
algae again. There
were so many other benefits too, better hair, skin, better sleep, earlier waking up the list goes on and on. I knew I
would eventually start eating it again.
This time I did go through some emotional cleansing for a while. Tears came
easier, I guess I needed a good cry. This food is also great for helping the
body and mind wake up. I like it better than coffee! No stimulant.
The main thing I recommend with the blue-green
algae is to stay consistent with it, not
just in the morning but throughout the day. We keep a bottle of water mixed with
blue-green algae in the fridge each day so we can drink it whenever we need it.
I am so thankful for this food.
The Light of Day
Dear Reader,
About three months ago, in one of Santa Maria’s popular
restaurants, I was introduced to blue-green
algae. While eating at the counter, a person
related instances of how eating a wild food was helping local people to support health
and physical well being. I knew instantly that this wild food was for me. I
began eating it almost immediately.
I noticed greater endurance in exercising activities.
I became aware of major improvement in driving abilities and reactions.
My skin and hair have taken on a kind of "shine"
Also, I’ve been feeding blue-green
algae to my little, old animal (Mama Cat, some 12
years old). For her the world has changed. She jumps everywhere now, and plays
like a first year animal. Her mind improvement and alertness is amazing. Even
her yawns have changed. They are drawn out somehow as if her whole body is at
peace. And the "Beat Goes On."
Thank you for the restorative, gift from God,